WWE Monday Night Raw Results – July 1st, 2019*

Backstage, Rollins and Lynch are with Charly. Charly asks if accepting this match was impulsive. Rollins tells Lynch to tell Charly that he isn’t impulsive. Lynch balks and says Rollins isn’t. Rollins says they have both proven they can beat Evans and Corbin separately. Lynch tells Rollins that she advises him to not lose her title. Rollins makes a comment about Lynch needing to listen to him more often that Rollins immediately backs off of. Maria Kanellis walks in and says Rollins and Lynch are not that impressive. She pushed an 8-pound baby out of her uterus. That’s impressive. Maria challenges Rollins to a match. Maria and her bitch (her husband Mike) vs. Rollins and his bitch. Lynch says they will smack the head off of them both right now. Lynch power walks to the ring. Rollins tells Maria that she done messed up now.


Spinal tap by Rollins. Maria yells at Mike to get up.  Leapfrog by Mike. Rollins elbows Mike in the face. Mike decks Rollins. Mike slams Rollins into the turnbuckle. Buckle Bomb by Rollins. Rollins tosses Maria into the corner to force a tag. Maria drops off the apron and running away. Maria grabs a mic and yells at Mike that he was supposed to protect her. Lynch tries to attack Maria but Maria yells that she is pregnant. Lynch backs off. Mike is visibly confused and asks how? Maria says she doesn’t know since Mike isn’t man enough to get her pregnant. Lynch hip tosses Mike back into the ring. Lynch puts Mike in the DisArmHer. Mike taps out.

Winners- Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch

After the match, Maria says the only man that was out here tonight was Becky Lynch. Maybe next time. Maria will ask Lynch to impregnate her.