6-Woman Tag Team Match
Becky Lynch, Naomi and Charlotte Flair vs Natalya, Tamina and Lana
Carmella will be on commentary for the match.
The match starts with Naomi and Natalya. They both lock up and Naomi goes for a quick pin. After a kick out, Naomi slides to Natalya and slaps her in the face. Naomi flys outside of the ring and takes out all Natalya and Tamina, Naomi gets Natalya back into the ring, but then Natalya puts Naomi into a headlock at the center of the ring. Naomi fights out of it and tags in Becky Lynch. Lynch successfully connects on a string of moves which forces Natalya to roll out of the ring to catch her breath. It’s commercial break, but DOUBLE SCREEN. Natalya gets back in the ring and attacks Lynch. Lynch is able to counter and tags in Naomi. Natalya is able to then tag in Lana. Naomi throws Lana into the ropes but Tamina makes a tag. Tamina then superkicks Naomi and goes for a pin. Tamina then puts Naomi in a headlock at the center of the ring and brutally throws a few forearms at Naomi’s face. Then she takes Naomi to the corner of the ring and tags in Natalya. The two exchange tags while attacking Naomi. Tamina then goes for a pin and Naomi kicks out. She applies another headlock on Naomi this time closer to her own corner. Naomi tries to fight out of it, but Tamina picks up Naomi and throws her into the corner and tags in Lana.
Lana now applies a headlock on Naomi in the center of the ring. Naomi is able to get upright, but Lana stops the counter. The Ravishing Russian then takes a cheap shot at Lynch on the Apron and tries to swing at Charlotte who ducks. Lana then brings Naomi into the corner of the ring.
Naomi then tags in Charlotte and she applies the figure-eight on Lana and Lana taps out.
Winners: Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch and Naomi
Then Charlotte goes after Natalya. When she tries to get a chair Natalya is able to escape.
Smackdown Live kicks off with the entire roster at the top of the ramp for a moment of silence for the victims of the Las Vegas shooting.
Carmella (with James Ellsworth) & Natalya vs Becky Lynch and Charlotte
Before the match there is a backstage video where Natalya warns Carmella about cashing her Money in the Bank contract. Then tells Carmella to focus on the match.
Carmella and Becky Lynch start the match. Carmella rolls to the outside of the ring and Lynch/Charlotte baseball slide kick Natalya and Carmella as we go to commercial break.
When we come back Natalya has Lynch in a head lock. Lynch tries to fight out but Natalya knocks down Lynch and also takes a shot at Charlotte on the apron. Natalya snap suplexes Lynch. Then Lynch tries a roll up on Natalya. Natalya kicks out then Lynch immediately tags in Charlotte. Charlotte quickly goes on the offensive and starts strutting like only a Flair can. Then she hits Natalya with a fallaway slam. Natalya then retreats to the ropes and, thanks to the distraction, Carmella hits Lynch in the back with the Money in the Bank briefcase. This catches Charlotte’s attention, which leads to Natalya locking in the Sharpshooter on Charlotte. The Queen taps out.
Winner: Natalya & Becky Lynch
Dana Warrior is in the ring with breast cancer survivors and WWE Superstars. Talks about the partnership between WWE and Susan G. Komen and they are celebrating people who unleash their Warrior! The women are then introduced and given pink WWE Women’s Championship titles! We then go to break.
In-Ring Segment
Charlotte Flair is here! She gets a great reaction and thanks the fans for all their support through the difficult weeks with her father’s health. She says that she learned the lesson that life is short and promises to make every moment count from here on out.
Natalya cut her off and came out to host a “celebration of women” segment, and has something under a tarp in the ring to reveal. She talks about all the great women like Oprah Winfrey and…herself, and all the ladies in the Mae Young Classic. She takes the tarp off to reveal a photo of herself with the women’s championship. Charlotte mocked her portrait and announced that she was issuing a challenge for the Smackdown Women’s title.
Out comes Becky Lynch, who apologizes for interrupting the Ego Olympics. She called Natalya the craziest there is, the craziest there was, and the craziest there ever will be. Becky also issues a challenge for the title.
Up next is Naomi, who comes down and insults Natalya’s cats.
Tamina Snuka makes five, accompanied by Lana. The champion is grateful that someone out here respects her accomplishments, but Lana calls her a crazy cat lady and tells her to shut up. Natalya bails from the ring and screams that she’s not a crazy cat lady, because she will be the women’s champion forever.
Up next is…Daniel Bryan! The general manager announces a fatal four-way match tonight, with the winner going on to challenge Natalya for the title at WWE Hell in a Cell.
#1 Contender’s Match
Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch vs. Tamina Snuka vs. Naomi
Tamina destroys everyone to kick off the match, squashing bodies in the corner and throwing opponents left and right. After a commercial break the tides had turned as all three worked together to take down Tamina and hit her with move after move until she rolled out of the ring. Becky and Charlotte started throwing uppercuts back and forth but Naomi came flying off the ropes to take them both down with a crossbody. Naomi fired off with rapid kicks on the Queen followed by a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. She rolled into her submission but Becky broke it up to apply the Disharmer! Tamina broke that up and the chaotic brawl continued.
Becky sent her opponents together in the corner but turned into a lariat from Snuka, who then got speared by Charlotte. The QUeen went up to the top rope and connected with a huge moonsault on Naomi and Tamina, but couldn’t get the three count on either of them. She went for the Sharpshooter but Becky came out of nowhere with a springboard leg drop to break the hold. Everyone is down. Tamina was the first to recover and hit an echoing Samoan Drop on Lynch, followed by a top rope Superfly Splsah! 1…2… Naomi flies out of nowhere to break it up. Lana got up on the apron and Naomi went after her, only to get taken out from behind by Tamina. Charlotte connected with an explosive spear out of nowhere, pinning Snuka for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Charlotte Flair

Natalya & Carmella vs. Naomi & Becky Lynch
Naomi took it to the champion at the start of the match and the babyfaces kept up their advantage for several minutes through a commercial break. Natalya tried to make a hot tag but Carmella bailed on her partner and started mocking her from ringside with Ellsworth. Nattie tried to fight back but couldn’t hold off both Naomi and Becky. Eventually she cleared the ring and made a blind tag to Carmella, who was up on the apron showing off her briefcase. Carmella got into the ring and immediately took an exploder suplex from Becky, followed by the split-leg moonsault from Naomi for the win.
Winners: Naomi & Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch & Naomi vs. Natalya & Carmella
The team of Fire & Glow was a cohesive unit throughout, working fluidly to work over Carmella and keep the #1 contender at bay. The same could not be said for the heels, as Carmella tagged her way in several times and even screamed at her partner that it was her opportunity. She might have bit off more than she could chew as the champion rocked Carmella with stiff kicks. The Statin Island Princess belligerently slapped Naomi in the face, but ate a spin kick to take her down. Natalya took a cheap shot from the apron giving them an opening to start working over the champion. They built towards the hot tag to Becky Lynch who came in and cleaned house. Natalya fought her back and almost put it away with the Sharpshooter, but Carmella once again tagged herself in. She went for her Code of Silence finisher but it got easily reversed and a brawl broke out. Becky took out Natalya as Naomi put Carmella in Feel The Glow to pick up the submission.
Winners: Becky Lynch & Naomi
Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch vs. Tamina Snuka vs. Lana
Of course it was Tamina to kick things off, as Becky started throwing kicks trying to take her down. She went to the second rope looking to fly but got caught and fell hard to the mat. Lana made the tag to pick the bones, connecting with a vertical suplex and sending knees into her opponent’s back. The crowd started a mild “you can’t wrestle” chant so she smartly made a quick tag to Tamina. Becky eventually fought her way out and made the hot tag to Charlotte, who came in with a series of chops and a running forearm to take down Snuka for two. She made the mistake of trying to lift up the bigger woman and got caught with a superkick. In comes Lana to try and sneak a pin, but Charlotte knocked Tamina off the apron and caught the Ravishing Russian with a big boot for the pin.
Winner: Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch
– After the match Tamina was obviously frustrated, screaming “are you kidding me” at Lana, who looked embarrassed and about to cry. Snuka still told her “let’s go” and the two left together, but she was very clearly not happy.
Fatal Five-Way Elimination Match (Winner gets a women’s title match): Charlotte vs Natalya vs Becky Lynch vs Lana vs Tamina
Natalya tries to lock in the Sharpshooter on Charlotte. Tamina sends Lynch flying into Charlotte. Lana pulls Lynch out of the ring and sends her into the announce table. Lana gets back in the ring. Lana and Tamina double team Charlotte. Tamina body slams Charlotte. Lana follows that with a diving elbow drop. Tamina picks up Charlotte for another slam but Charlotte counters and takes Tamina over by her hair. Charlotte is about to attack Lana, but Tamina grabs Charlotte’s leg. Lana and Tamina beat down Charlotte in the corner. Lynch gets back in the ring and helps Charlotte. Lynch and Charlotte hit tandem exploder suplexes. Tamina and Lana are both sent rolling out of the ring. Lynch neck breakers Charlotte. Natalya hits the ring and steps on Charlotte’s back, then dropkicks her in the face. Exploder suplex by Lynch to Charlotte. Lana hits the ring and eats an exploder as well. Tamina runs in and Lynch tries to suplex her as well. Tamina swats Lynch away and superkicks her. Tamina turns around and gets clotheslined by Charlotte. Discus clothesline by Natalya to Charlotte.
Natalya locks Charlotte in the Sharpshooter. For reasons no one can explain, Lana breaks up the pin. Lana tries to pin Charlotte but Charlotte kicks out. Lynch grabs Lana and applies the Dis-arm-her. Tamina superkicks Lynch to save Lana. Tamina spears Charlotte through the ropes! Lana tries to pin Lynch but Lynch locks in the Dis-arm-her again! Tamina breaks it up. Lynch puts Tamina in the Dis-arm-her. Tamina taps out.
Tamina has been eliminated.
Lana runs into the ring and is promptly put in the Dis-arm-her as for the third time. Lana taps.
Lana has been eliminated.
Natalya school boys Lynch from behind and grabs a hand full of tights for a quick three count.
Becky Lynch has been eliminated.
Natalya traps Charlotte in a cross arm breaker. Charlotte picks Natalya up and power bombs her. Charlotte mounts the top rope for a moonsault. Natalya gets her knees up. Natalya school boys Charlotte into the bottom turnbuckle. Natalya gets the pin.
Winner and NEW Number One Contender for the Women’s Title, Natalya!
After the match, Naomi tries to shake Natalya’s hand but Natalya just walks away.
– Shane McMahon was backstage with the women’s division. He hyped the five-way elimination match at Battleground before asking which Superstars wanted to give the audience a good performance here tonight. Basically everyone said they wanted to fight Lana, prompting Tamina Snuka to scream at them to back off. Natalya tried to stir the pot and suggested that Charlotte fight Becky Lynch, which led to some bickering between the two. Charlotte claimed that she’d beaten Becky every time they were in the ring together, and Shane said he wanted to see them go at so he made the match official.
Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair
Natalya joined the commentary team for this match, as Smackdown Women’s Champion Naomi was shown watching from the backstage area. We got a flurry of back and forth chops to start things off, with Charlotte taking control and dropping her father’s signature knee. Becky came back with an exploder suplex for two, then started weakening her opponent’s arm for her finishing submission. Charlotte recovered and tried for Natural Selection but Becky had it scouted and countered into the Disarmher, but Flair got to the ropes to break the hold. Charlotte climbed to the top rope and tried for a moonsault but came up empty. Becky once again went for the Disarmher and got it locked in, dragged Flair back to the middle of the ring and sat down on the hold, picking up the somewhat surprising submission victory. // Winner: Becky Lynch
– Becky offered her hand after the match and the two shook it out, so it looks like things are good between two of the Horsewomen. Tamina Snuka made her way out with Lana close behind, while Natalya hit the ring and attacked Becky and Charlotte. The heels cleared the ring and Natalya went after Lana, but Tamina made the save and kicked Neidhart square in the face to protect her… friend? I think friend is what we’re going with right now.

– Becky Lynch is interviewed backstage and praised Daniel Bryan for doing the right thing and giving the women of Smackdown a fair chance. She says all she needs is a fair chance to become Ms. Money in the Bank and finally get her hands on the women’s championship.
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Charlotte Flair vs. Tamina Snuka vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Natalya
Four of the women brawled to the floor right away leaving Carmella alone in the ring, so she took a ladder and began to climb. They all returned and the Staten Island princess realized she was surrounded, tried to bail but got her ass kicked instead. Becky and Charlotte had a staredown and went at it, but Tamina took them both out as we head to commercial.
After the break Tamina caught Carmella trying to steal the match again, and threw her head first over the commentary table. Her and Charlotte battled over a ladder and Becky tried to climb up it while it was being held vertically, but crashed to the mat instead. Charlotte and Natalya began to climb and battled back and forth atop the ladder, but Carmella came back and knocked them over into the ropes. She celebrated her “dominance” a bit too hard and turned around into a suplex from Becky Lynch. Before Hot Fire could do anything with her advantage, Tamina came out of nowhere and blasted her with a lariat. All five women are down as we go to our final commercial of the night.
All five are somehow still down coming back from the break. Natalya is the first to recover and begins to climb, gets her hands on the briefcase but is cut off by Charlotte. Tamina and Becky join them and there are four women battling on a single ladder, which eventually gives way and sends all of them crashing and burning to the floor. Carmella was bidding her time and realizes she has an opening. She gets to the top of the ladder and almost takes it down, but all four women recover and pick up the ladder while she’s on top of of it, moving her to the side. They all start brawling again and Carmella flies off the ladder to take everyone down. Charlotte set up the ladder and slammed the bottom of it into Tamina’s head, then pinned her underneath it and began to climb. There was a terrible looking spot where Charlotte realized they weren’t properly facing the camera, moved the ladder 90 degrees and began to climb, and Tamina just crawled under it so she was “pinned” again. As Charlotte reached the briefcase Tamina lifted the ladder from underneath and set her flying into Carmella.
Natalya and Becky worked together to put down Snuka with a double powerbomb. Nattie took out Lynch and put Carmella in the Sharpshooter to take out her legs, but Charlotte broke it up with a superkick. She hit Carmella with Natural Selection and then brawled into the crowd with Charlotte for some reason. James Ellsworth came out from the crowd and threw Carmella into the ring, setting up a ladder and began to climb! Becky Lynch recovered and knocked over the ladder, crotching Ellsworth on the top rope. She set up the ladder but was caught by Carmella who sent her down hard on her knee, possibly creating an injury. Becky tried to climb but her knee wouldn’t hold up, and Carmella blasted her with a steel chair over and over again. She climbed the ladder, got to the briefcase, and took it down! //
Winner and Ms. Money in the Bank: Carmella
– Natalya, Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Tamina Snuka were all backstage complaining about James Ellsworth ruining the first ever Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match on Sunday. Daniel Bryan walked in and listened to their issues before saying that he wanted to hear what Carmella and Ellsworth had to say before he made any decisions.
– Daniel Bryan and Sami Zayn are backstage talking about how awesome his sunset flip off the ladder was on Sunday. Bryan tells him he’s in action next week against Baron Corbin. Becky Lynch walks up and cuts an empassioned promo
As we head into the final quarter of Smackdown, general manager Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring to a great reaction. He says he’s happy to be back but wishes it were under better circumstances. Bryan says he’s been with Shane McMahon and the Board of Directors trying to figure out what to do about this Women’s Money in the Bank controversy, and says he was instructed to keep his emotions out of the decision-making and stick to the WWE Rulebook. He brings out all five of the women who competed in Sunday’s ladder match.
After all the ladies make their way to the ring, Bryan says he listened to the opinions of all the women and he’s come to a decision. He says Money in the Bank matches are No DQ and there’s nothing in the rulebook that says someone else can’t climb the ladder and give it to someone else; it’s the first woman who holds the briefcase that is the winner. He brings up that there has been outside interference in previous MITB matches, but they are in uncharted territory. James Ellsworth cuts him off and tells him to hurry up and make a decision, because apparently being at home raising terrible little hippy vegan babies has played with his head. Bryan fires up and tells Ellsworth that if he ever mentions his baby girl again he’ll punch him in the face so hard he won’t be able to breath, and he’ll fire him on the spot. Huge pop from the crowd.
Carmella is offended and asks Bryan who he thinks he is talking to them that way. All the women go around cutting each other off and making fun of the way Ellsworth looks. Bryan tells them all to stop, because he’s made a decision. He says that Carmella made history by becoming the first women to win the Money in the Bank…and she’ll be the first women to hand over the Money in the Bank. Bryan takes the briefcase and announces that next week, there will be a redo of the Money in the Bank ladder match between all five women.
Bryan leaves with the briefcase and all the women immediately start brawling. Natalya and Tamina Snuka get thrown from the ring and Charlotte lays out Carmella with Natural Selection. Becky Lynch puts her in the Disarmher and Carmella flails around crying and screaming as James Ellsworth freaks out from the outside.