Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs Charlotte Flair
Lynch forces Flair into the corner. Lynch stomps Flair in the corner. Lynch takes out Flair’s knee. Flair fires back. Lynch pulls Flair out of the ring. Flair lands on the floor hard. Lynch sends Flair shoulder first into the ring post. Flair kicks out at two. Lynch chokes Flair in the ropes. Flair surprises Lynch with a slingshot roll up. Lynch kicks out. Flair sends Lynch into the ropes. Lynch does a spinning head scissors into a Fujiwara armbar. Flair counters it into a sidewalk slam. Back suplex by Flair. Lynch and Flair trade strikes. Flair lands a leaping knee to the back of Lynch’s knee.
Lynch tries an exploder. Flair elbows out of it and lands a suplex of her own. Lynch trips Flair into the corner. Second rope flying forearm by Lynch. Flair kicks out again. Flair destroys Lynch with a big boot. Lynch kicks out. Lynch and Flair trade elbow strikes. A headbutt by Lynch sends Flair tumbling into the ropes. Flair explodes off the ropes with a spear. Lynch manages to kick out. Flair goes up top for a moonsault. Lynch gets her knees up. Flair kicks out. Lynch misses a top rope leg drop. Flair lands another running big boot. Flair locks in a Boston crab.
Lynch gets to the ropes to break the hold. Lynch grabs her title and tries to leave. Flair cuts Lynch off sends her into the barricade. Flair spears Lynch int he ring. Flair puts Lynch in the Figure Eight. Lynch hits Flair in the leg with the title belt to cause the disqualification.
Winner- Charlotte Flair
After the match, Flair attacks Lynch. Lynch catches Flair with a clothesline. Lynch exploder suplexes Flair out on the floor. Lynch lands a sick running knee to Flair’s head while it rested on the barricade.