In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch
Lynch says she came here to beat the crap out of Sasha Banks. Since Banks is still hurt from the last buttkicking Lynch gave her. Lynch is here tonight to rip someone’s arm off. Flair interrupts and says she doesn’t even want to fight Lynch. Flair just wants to be friends again and she misses Lynch. She just wants to be Lynch’s friend. Flair decks Lynch. Flair and Lynch brawl as a few referees try to separate them.
Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair (Winner’s Brand Gets The First Pick In The Draft)
After the break, Flair is choking Lynch with the ropes. Flair tries a suplex but Lynch lands on her feet. Flair lights Lynch up with a few chops. Lynch tries to fire up but Flair cuts her off. Flair slams Lynch’s face into the mat over and over again. Flair tries to pin Lynch but Lynch matrixes out of it. Lynch dropkicks Flair. Flair tries to slam Lynch’s head into the turnbuckle. Lynch counters and kicks Flair off the apron. After the break, Lynch is all over Flair. Lynch drops Flair with a missile dropkick. Flair kicks out.
Lynch tries another dropkick. Flair catches Lynch’s feet. Flair puts Lynch in the Boston Crab. Flair tries to transition into the figure-four but Lynch kicks her away. Lynch misses a second rope clothesline. Flair lands Natural Selection but Lynch kicks out. Flair goes up for a moonsault. Lynch pulls Flair off the top. Flair schoolboys Lynch into the middle turnbuckle. Running boot by Flair. Lynch kicks out again. Lynch counters a suplex by Flair with a reverse DDT. Lynch finally lands her leg drop but Flair kicks out. Lynch almost locks in the DisArmHer. Flair escapes and hits a nasty spear. Lynch kicks out. Flair laughs in disbelief. Lynch crucifix pins Flair for the win!
Winner- Becky Lynch
RAW gets the first pick tonight.