Lynch pushes Evans into the corner. Lynch and Evans push each other. Lynch puts Evans in a leg lock. Evans gets tot he ropes to break the hold. Evans tries a kick but Lynch catches her foot. Lynch spikes Evans down to the mat. Lynch slams Evans head-first into every top turnbuckle. Lynch kicks Evans in the face. Evans falls to the outside. Baseball slide by Lynch. Lynch sends Evans back into the ring. Evans kicks Lynch into the announce table. Backslide by Lynch. Evans kicks out. Dragon screw by Lynch. Lynch is clutching at her ribs. Gutbuster by Evans. Evans gator rolls Lynch out of the ring. Evans bow and arrows Lynch on the ring post. Evans works over Lynch’s ribs. Lynch matrixes out of a pin by Evans. Lynch rolls Evans into an armbar.
Evans manages to get to the ropes. Evans trips Lynch into the corner. Bronco buster by Evans. Lynch kicks out. Evans pulls out her handkerchief. Lynch stuffs it down Evans’ throat. Exploder by Lynch. Evans kicks out at two. Lynch misses a second rope leg drop. Evans tries a springboard elbow but Lynch gets her knees up. Springboard stunner by Evans. Lynch kicks out again! Evans goes up for a moonsault. Lynch yanks Evans off the top rope and slaps on the DisArmHer. Evans taps out immediately.
Winner and STILL RAW Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch!
Rollins is still carrying a steel chair. Rollins tells Corbin that if whoever he picked to be referee tries to take his title they are going to eat this steel chair. Corbin picked Lacey Evans as the referee. Evans power walks to the ring. Evans pulls the chair out of Rollins’ hands. Corbin attacks Rollins from behind. Corbin hits Rollins with the chair. Evans rings the bell. Evans tries to fast count Rollins but he kicks out. Corbin tosses Rollins into the barricade. Rollins tries to fight back but Corbin destroys Rollins with a DDT. Corbin beats Rollins down in the corner. Corbin tries the dipsey doo clothesline. Rollins responds with an enziguri. Rollins lands the sling blade. Rollins catches Corbin with the blockbuster. Suicide dive by Rollins. Rollins sends Corbin back in the ring for a springboard knee. Evans slowly walks over to Rollins and makes one of the slowest counts I have ever seen.
Rollins powerbombs Corbin through the announce table. Rollins tells Evans to count. Evans gives a super slow count. Corbin isn’t moving. Evans tells the ring announcer that the match is now a no count out match. Rollins brings Corbin back into the ring. Rollins calls for the stomp. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Rollins tries a dive but Corbin reverses it into a chokeslam on the apron. Corbin sends Rollins back in the ring. Corbin hits another chokeslam. Rollins kicks out. Rollins hits a frog splash. Evans counts to two then acts like her shoulder is hurt. Evans gets in Rollins’ face. Corbin hits Rollins in the back with a chair. Corbin hits Rollins over and over again. Evans tells the ring announcer that this is now a no DQ match. Rollins falcon arrows Corbin on a chair. Evans refuses to count. Evans slaps Rollins. Evans slaps Rollins again. Evans low blows Rollins. Corbin drops Rollins with the End of Days. Before Evans can count, Lynch runs down to the ring and attacks her. Lynch exploder suplexes Evans into the barricade. The referee of their last match is the new referee. Corbin yells at the referee. Rollins hits the Stomp for the win!
Winner and STILL Universal Champion, Seth Rollins!
After the match, Lynch and Rollins celebrate together. Lynch holds the ropes open for Rollins as they leave the ring.