Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Asuka vs The IIconics and Smackdown Women’s Champion Carmella
Carmella runs away from Flair and tags in Royce. Flair tags in Lynch. Royce slams Lynch down by her hair. Lynch takes Royce down by gets distracted by Kay. Lynch recovers and tags in Asuka. Kay tries to run to her corner but Asuka cuts her off. Kay slaps Asuka. Asuka and Kay trade punches. Asuka hits the ropes and obliterates Kay with a running hip attack. Asuka tags in Flair who chops Kay. Kay tags in Carmella. Carmella misses a kick and gets dumped outside. Flair splashes Kay and Royce outside the ring.
After the break, the heels are working over Lynch. Lynch almost makes the tag but the heels pull her partners off the apron. Lynch finally makes it to tag in Flair. Flair clears the ring. Suplexes for everyone! Flair goes up top but Carmella sweeps Flair legs. Flair goes head first into the ring post. Kay hits Shades of Kay. Lynch breaks up the pin. Carmella tags in and hit the Stratusphere for a two count. Flair tries the Figure Eight but Royce kicks her away. Asuka tags herself in and lands a dropkick on Royce. Asuka tries to German suplex Royce but Carmella and Kay hold onto Royce’s hands. Asuka lets go and hip attacks Kay and Carmella off the apron. Flair moonsaults off the top rope to the outside onto Kay and Carmella. Royce tries to roll up Asuka but Asuka counters it into the Asuka Lock. Royce taps out.
Winners- Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Asuka
In Ring Segment: The IIconics
Billy Kay and Peyton Royce make fun of Becky Lynch and Asuka for sticking their noses in their business. Based on the IIconics scientific theory because Charlotte beat Asuka, and they helped beat Charlotte, that means they are better than Asuka! Before they could finish, Lynch interrupts.
The IIconics vs Becky Lynch and Asuka
The match started during the break. Lynch catches Royce with a flying elbow block. T-bone suplex by Lynch. Royce tags in Kay. Kay whips Lynch down by her arm. Royce and Kay take turns working over Lynch’s arm. Lynch manages to tag in Asuka. Asuka clears the ring. Royce tries to kick Asuka. Asuka catches Lynch’s foot and puts her in an ankle lock. Kay locks hands with Royce and tries to pull her out of the ring. Lynch kicks Kay’s arms. Asuka German suplexes Royce. Kay sends Lynch into Asuka. Asuka falls out of the ring. Kay sends Lynch into the ring post, head first. Royce rolls up Lynch and puts her feet on the ropes for the win!
Winners- The IIconics
In Ring Segment: Carmella
Carmella says she doesn’t want the WWE Universe’s cheers. They didn’t cheer her before she won the belt so don’t cheer her now. Carmella wants to now be called the crowned princess of Smackdown Live. Carmella brags about beating Charlotte Flair for the title all by herself. All she had to do was wait for Charlotte to be blinded by her own ego. Charlotte says to be the woman, you have to beat the woman. Carmella is NOW the woman. Last week was the biggest moment in women’s history.
Carmella plays a tribute to herself. Carmella has named the Smackdown Women’s title Cleopatra. Flair comes out on the stage and says Carmella’s highlight reel is missing James Elsworth, Billy Kay, and Peyton Royce. Flair says she isn’t mad. Carmella capitalized on an opportunity. Flair tells Carmella that it’s easier to get tot he top than stay on the top. Kay and Royce come out. Kay says Flair is pathetic for blaming them for her failure. Royce does an impression of Flair whining about losing the title. Charlotte attacks Royce and Kay. Becky Lynch comes out and makes the save.
Billy Kay vs Charlotte Flair
The match started during the break. Flair beats Kay down outside of the ring. Flair sends Kay back into the ring. Suplex by Flair. Kay elbows Flair int eh head and gets a near fall. Kay puts Flair in an armbar. After the break, KAy takes Flair over with a suplex. Flair unloads on Kay with chop after chop. Flair knees Kay in the back of the head, Nature Boy style. Kay surprises Flair with eat’dfeat. Flair kicks out. Flair takes down Kay and puts her in the Figure Eight. Kay taps out.
Winner- Charlotte Flair
After the match, Carmella and the Iconics beat down Lynch and Flair. Asuka’s music hits. Asuka makes the save.
Becky Lynch vs Ruby Riott w/The Riott Squad
Riott floors Lynch with a shoulder block. After a tackle exchange Lynch floor Riott with a dropkick. Riott rolls to the outside. Lynch follows. Riott hits an STO on the apron. Riott drives Lynch into the apron. Riott whips Lynch into the barricade, then sends her back into the ring. Riott gets a near fall. Nasty clothesline by Riott. Logan attacks Lynch while the referee isn’t looking. Lynch reverses an Irish whip into the corner.
Lynch blast Riott with an elbow strike. Riott and Lynch trade elbows in the middle of the ring. Lynch unloads on Riott. After a distraction from Logan, Riott hits deadly nightshade. Riott pins Lynch with her feet on the ropes. The referee sees it and breaks the count. Riott goes for the Riott kicks but Lynch counters and almost locks in the Dis-arm-her.Riott rolls up Lynch. Lynch reverse it into a roll-up of her own for the win.
Winner- Becky Lynch
After the match, Logan and Morgan try to attack Lynch. Lynch sends both Morgan and Logan over the top rope.
Naomi vs Liv Morgan
Naomi takes down Morgan then hits her running slap. Naomi and Morgan trade pin attempts. Morgan matrixes under a clothesline by Naomi. Naomi tries multiple head kicks but Morgan keeps ducking. Naomi switches it up and knees Morgan in the head instead. Morgan trips Naomi into the corner. Morgan double foot stomps Naomi. Carmella, Lana, Becky Lynch, and Natalya all come to ringside. Naomi rolls up Morgan with a sunset flip for the win.
Winner- Naomi
After the match, a brawl breaks out between all the women. Natalya picks up Lynch and tosses here over the top rope. Carmella and Natalya toss Morgan over the top. Natalya destroys Carmella with a rolling lariat. Naomi and Lynch chase away Natalya. Lynch tries to throw Naomi over the top rope but Naomi lands on the apron. Lynch and Naomi stare at each other. Charlotte comes out and says good luck to all the women in the Royal Rumble. Good luck to the winner since they will have to face her at WreslteMania.
Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Naomi vs The Riott Squad
Flair and Morgan lock up. Flair sends Morgan to the mat. Flair women handles Morgan- tossing here around the ring. Morgan kicks Flair in the face. Morgan gloats. Flair lights Morgan up with chops. German suplex by Flair. Morgan tags in Riott. Flair tosses Riott around the ring. Flair tags in Lynch. Flair and Lynch beat down Riot with chops and uppercuts. Naomi tags in and sends Riott to the outside. Naomi tags Lynch back in. Lynch dives off the apron onto Riott. Logan tags in. After a distraction by Morgan, Logan knees Lynch in the head. Basement knee by Logan. Riott tags in and hits a senton off the top. Lynch kicks out.
The heels take turns working on Lynch. Logan tries to throw Lynch over the top rope but Lynch reverses it and sends Logan to the outside. Lynch eventually tags in Naomi, who clears the ring. Naomi lands the disaster kick on Morgan. Morgan gets to her feet but Naomi goes into the Chun-Li kicks. Flair spears Logan. Riott kicks Naomi in the face while the referee is distracted. Morgan hits a modified Code Breaker for the win.
Winners- The Riott Squad
Becky Lynch w/Charlotte Flair and Naomi vs Ruby Riott w/Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan
Lynch takes Riott down to the mat over and over again. Lynch grabs a front face lock. Riott gets to the ropes to escape. Lynch goes to hit the ropes by Logan grabs her foot. Lynch yells at Logan. Riott tries to attack Lynch from behind but Lynch avoids it and sends her out of the ring. Lynch sends Riott back into the ring. Multiple arm drags by Lynch. Lynch locks in an armbar. Lynch tries her leaping kick in the corner but Riott catches Lynch’s foot. Riott sends Lynch chest first into the top rope. Riott stomps Lynch. Riott puts Lynch in a seated abdominal stretch. Lynch gets to her feet. Lynch whips Riott into the corner. Lynch charges in but Riott hit deadly nightshade.
Riott puts Lych in a body scissors. Lynch struggles to try to get out. Riott rolls Lynch over into a pin but Lynch kicks out. Lynch manages to hit her corner kick. Riott whips Lynch back down to the mat. Lynch kicks out. Riott drives her knee into Lynch’s back over and over again. Riott goes back to the abdominal stretch. Lynch hip tosses Riott out of it. Small package for a near fall by Lynch. Lynch lays into Riott with rights and lefts. Spinning back kick by Lynch, followed by multiple bex-plexes. Riott kicks Lynch in the gut. Riott tries to set up the Riott Kick but Lynch counters it into the Dis-arm-her. Riott taps.
Winner- Becky Lynch
The Welcoming Committee vs The Riott Squad
Morgan and Natalya lock up. Morgan takes Natalya down. Natalya kips up to her feet. Natalya takes Morgan down and Morgan kips up. Natalya tries a clothesline but Morgan matrixes out of it. Natalya spins and hits a discus lariat. Natalya tries to lock in the Sharpshooter. Morgan retreats to the outside. Riott tags in and gets beat down in the Welcoming Committee corner. Carmella tags in and moonwalks on Riott. After a distraction by Logan, Riott takes Carmella down with an STO. The Riott Squad takes turns beating down Carmella. Carmella manages to tag in Tamina. Tamina clears the ring and superkicks the heck out of Riott. The crowd actually goes nuts for it. Samoan drop by Tamina to Logan. Tamina goes up top for the Superfly Splash. Morgan pushes Tamina off the top. Logan lands a handstand knee drop to the back of Tamina’s head for the win.
Winners- The Riott Squad
After the match, Riott tells the crowd that magic isn’t real and that they are all entering the Women’s Royal Rumble. Charlotte comes out and congratulates the Riott Squad. Charlotte says she is going to give Riott a dose of reality. Actions have consequences. Naomi joins Charlotte on the stage, as does Becky Lynch. The faces rush the ring. a huge brawl breaks out. Charlotte boots Logan in the face. Naomi hits the Disaster Kick on Morgan. Lynch hits an exploder on Riott and Morgan.
James Ellsworth is shown backstage. Tamina walks out of the locker room. Ellsworth asks her to get Carmella. Instead Becky Lynch comes out and says that he needs to worry about her. Ellsworth says that she has no chance because he is a man and she is a woman. Lynch says that those were ballsy statements and says that Ellsworth doesn’t have any.
James Ellsworth vs Carmella
Ellsworth does push ups in the ring. Then sizes up Lynch. Lynch gets a hold of Ellsworth arm but he makes it to the top. Ellsworth takes off his shirt. Tie up and Ellsworth takes down Lynch. The two tie up again. Ellsworth has a hold of Becky but Lynch lifts Ellsworth and places him on the top rope. Gives him a few slaps and then backs away. The two go back and forth. Lynch goes for numerous roll up pins to no avail. Lynch lifts Ellsworth on her shoulder and spins Ellsworth. Then she throws him out of the ring. Ellsworth mocks the women on the outside. Lynch goes to the top rope, but misses Ellsworth. Ellsworth sends Lynch into the turnbuckle. Lynch hits an atomic drop. Exploder suplex. Ellsworth rolls out of the ring, but is brought back in by the woman on the outside of the ring. Ellsworth tries to make amends and hugs Lynch. Lynch puts in the armbar. Ellsworth taps.
Winner: Becky Lynch
Carmella picks up Ellsworth and starts arguing with Lynch. Carmella then superkicks Ellsworth. Carmella leaves Ellsworth lying the center of the ring.

All the women are backstage and Daniel Bryan says that all the women will be on the Smackdown team. Except for Lana. Says that this year the Smackdown Live Women will come out on top against the Raw team. Bryan says there needs to be a strong leader. Charlotte volunteers to be captain, but is met with resistance. Bryan says there will be a Fatal-5 way match to determine to leader of the Smackdown Women’s team.
Fatal-5-Way – Naomi vs Tamina vs Becky Lynch vs Carmella vs Charlotte Flair
Tamina takes out Lynch and Naomi with a suplex, Charlotte Flair with a superkick, and also Carmella. Lynch and Flair dropkick Tamina. Then as the two sip tea, Flair chops Lynch. Lynch reciprocates. Then Carmella comes off the top rope with the crossbody on both Lynch and Flair. Carmella goes for the pin on Lynch. Two Count. Carmella tries to bring Naomi in the ring, but Naomi connects on a kick. Sunset flip pin. Two Count. Naomi continues to throw Carmella in the corner. Throws Carmella to the ground and connects on a flying clothesline. Naomi throws Carmella into the ropes which knocks out Lynch on the apron. Naomi assaults Carmella with lethal kicks. Carmella fights back, counters Naomi and takes her down from behind by pulling her hair. Two count. Naomi gets up and repeatedly kicks Carmella. Carmella is dragged to the outside of the ring by Tamina. Carmella then applies a sleeper hold on Tamina. Charlotte takes out Tamina and Carmella. Flair with a fallaway slam on Tamina. Lynch then attacks Flair by jumping off the apron. Naomi takes out Lynch jumping over the top rope. Charlotte goes after Tamina, but is hit in the back by Lana. Flair goes after Lana but is then superkicked by Tamina. Tamina throws Flair over the barricade. Lynch attacks Tamina from behind, but it is not successful. Tamina throws Lynch into the ring, but then Naomi takes Tamina out with a kick. Naomi roll up pin on Lynch, Lynch reverses for a roll up pin. Carmella breaks it up and throws Naomi into the the ring post. Carmella kicks Lynch in the jaw. Pin, two count. Another pin, two count. Carmella is frustrated and as she is about to go after Lynch, Lynch applies the DisArmer on Carmella. Carmella taps out.
Winner and Smackdown Live Women’s Captain: Becky Lynch
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